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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Importance and Types

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Importance and Types

Introduction:Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has become a critical driver of economic growth and development in today's interconnected world. This article aims to shed light on the importance of FDI and explore its various types. By understanding the significance and...

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Comparison between Branch office & Subsidiary company

Comparison between Branch office & Subsidiary company

Meaning of Branch Office: Branch office implies an establishment set up by parent company to perform the similar business operations at different locations. One of the common strategies of the Companies to expand their business at the national or international level,...

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FDI Push Likely to Give Further Boost to Rupee

FDI Push Likely to Give Further Boost to Rupee

The Indian rupee, which climbed 6% last year amid record fund flows from overseas, is set to appreciate further against the dollar this year, with traders expecting foreign direct investments (FDIs) to accelerate after New Delhi eased ownership rules in industries as...

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